Sharing the dark...Larry Smith Winter Solstice I search our dark house finding clocks to be reset before going to bed then rise in morning when daylight savings falls away so our alarms are not late and yet we know that nothing is saved or lost just a measure re-gauged like February’s compensation day or a hopscotch of stepping on no lines but skipping a block or two making our choices. My wife takes my hand to go into the woods a setting sun behind a darkness rising through trees before us as for winter solstice settles round us gathered round a fire staring into it remembering while watching sparks fly up from dancing orange light as we each turn to utter speech across the flames yet drinking the silences of passing and becoming. And he in bright kente skullcap while she raising her bare arms in welcoming and beckoning one woman calls her prayer for forgiveness another confesses her love of nature and my wife sings to birthing and caring then to our welcoming darkness as we all sway ...