Shared Revelation

Shared Revelation

Midway through the film Thomas Keating: A Rising Tide of Silence, he shares a revelation which he had at a lone cabin in the wilderness.  As he walked out, he saw and felt himself in God and in all of Nature. Tear felt he released himself, no longer the structured person he had made of his life. He spoke of the deep pain and great release he felt in silence.

As I close my eyes, I too feel this full sensory and emotional truth, this acceptance and letting go. Inside myself I sense a huge and heavy structure of steel beams, like a dark angled framework holding me. It’s a narrative of things taught to me and told to myself. What I’m sensing is how painful it is to feel, yet also how sweet to acknowledge and so begin to release.

Breathing it in and expelling it out, I begin to dissolve this self I’ve sought so hard to build and carry. From deep inside come tears of pain and joy. This structure is not the me of Nature and God, but a me of man and society, and it can be dissolved like a hologram.

I weep softly at its revelation and its release. I sit with it, ride the pain, taste the joy of letting go. Oh life, breath comes deep and free.


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